Farm Town Secrets
Farm Town is rapidly becoming a social networking gaming sensation, and there are plenty of reasons for this. It's a great place to go to relax and interact with real-life friends, as well as people you've only known down on the farm. With so many options for game play too, Farm Town is a pass time that never gets old. But it also means that you can fall behind if you're not careful.
Getting Ahead
On the surface, Farm Town is not hard to play, but there are a few tips and tricks you may want to try when you want to level up quickly. The higher the level you reach, the more options will be available to you in every aspect of game play, so it's a good idea to make a point early of applying your energy to accumulating experience points so that you can reach those higher levels more quickly. This is quite doable, but you need to know how to go about it if you're going to be able to do it successfully.
Work, Work, Work
Of course you already know that you level up by accumulating experience points, and there are a few ways to earn these experience points. You can certainly get them by doing all of the normal farm chores, both on your farm and on those of your friends and neighbors. But at a certain point, your ability to continue to rack up the points is limited.
You can only work for each of your friends once a day, and once all your land has been harvested, plowed, and replanted, there isn't much that you can do except wait until it's time to do it all over again. In the early stages of game play, it's pretty easy to level up and you can usually get all the experience you need from working your farm and those of your neighbors (depending on how many neighbors you have too). But as you get to the higher levels, you'll need to make greater and greater leaps in your experience point totals to move up, and that means employing a bit of a different strategy if you want to be successful.
Buy Your Way Up
The best way to grab up some big chunks of experience points early is to buy some decorations and other items for your farm. These purchases reward chunks of experience points that generally correspond in size to the cost of the item – the more expensive the item, the greater the experience bonus.
When you're first starting out in the game and trying to establish your farm, you don't have a lot of loose cash to throw around, so buying up a bunch of items isn't really a practical option. Once you've got a good stash of coins and a steady flow coming in, though, you can start using them to buy your way to the higher levels of the game.
This is really the most effective and efficient way of leveling up quickly when you're playing Farm Town. And it does make sense too. After all, what do you have coins for anyway if not to buy the things you want to personalize your farm and really make it your own.
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