Farm Town Secrets
The key to leveling in Farm Town is not to expect anything of the game that you don’t put into it. The game is not going to level you up automatically. You need to choose the right crops, use the space well, log in often enough to harvest and replant, and make sure that you use up as much plot space as possible. This isn’t a game that will allow you to take shortcuts and get better rewards. Leveling in Farm town is a process that requires a careful eye for what makes the game operate. To help you get that eye in place, here are some tips.
Selecting and Placing You Crops
As with any farming game, the goal is to find the crops that are going to grow within your own scheduled play time and give you the most possible coins. However, there are some crops that grow incredibly fast that are highly valuable. In an effort to reward you for staying online as much as possible. SlashKey has made it so the fastest growing items are the most profitable more times than not. Raspberries in this case will do the trick with coins per hour rates well over 5. If you are online constantly, can make up to 40 coins per plot each day – a massive profit by the time all is said and done.
Balancing How Your Level Your Farm
Along with these high reward crops, you can get a ton of XP because you will be planting, watering and harvesting so often. But, you must keep in mind that you will receive a good chunk of XP or the plants that take longer to harvest. It’s all a matter of finding a good balance between speed and your own schedule. If you can’t afford to logon that often, make sure you can log on whenever the crops are grown. In the end, this is the fastest way to reach the top levels.
If you are intent on leveling in Farm Town at a high speed, you’re going to need to spend at least an hour or two every day playing the game. You cannot rely on long term crops to reward you with enough XP to get to the higher levels on their own. They might reward you with the right amount of coins, but the XP is just not there. If you can balance all of these factors though, you’ll be well on your way to the top level before you know it.
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